Hats, Shades, or Fannypacks prepare to be-dazzled!
Service Description
Add your flair in the form of patches, gems, paint pens, and puffy paint to wearable items such as hats, fanny packs, or use a low temp glue-gun with glitter sticks, to add sparkle and attach some beads and gems to bedazzle a pair of sunglasses(ages 8+). Price includes 6 crafting kids. Need to Invite More Than 6 Kids? If you're planning to invite more friends, we've got you covered! After you complete your booking, we'll send you an email with a special link where you can add additional children to your party for just $30 per child.

Cancellation Policy
Your booking payment is what reserves your party's date and time. It is non-refundable. Each party involves hours of preparation and materials. We are human and understand things happen and will make a reasonable attempt to reschedule if you need to cancel a specific date 48 hours ahead of time.
Contact Details
The Craftship, 1901 South 9th Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA